Right off the bat I encourage you to read Romans chapter 16 and take note of all the women in the ministry with the Apostle Paul. So was Paul confused about women teaching men? Not at all! Women, God put order in the family and in the Church. Our place, as the weaker gender, is to fall in under the covering of our husbands. We do not teach our husbands - which is another way to say, "Nag." We were created to be helpers. It doesn't mean we don't have a brain, but what it does mean is that proper order will eventually call for someone to make the hard decisions. When there is a disagreement in the home, someone has to make the call... that would be the husband. That's God's design.
But in the Kingdom of God there are "neither male nor female... for you are all one in Christ Jesus," Galatians 3:28. And we see in Acts 10:34, "God is no respecter of persons." Moses said in Numbers 11:29, "Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!" Jesus gave the Great Commission to "Preach the Gospel," in Mark 16:15. This command is made to all believers and is not gender-specific. Women preachers are a fulfillment of Bible Prophecy in both Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17-18. 1 Corinthians 11:5 says that "For every woman that prays or prophesies..." meaning that they do.
Both the Old and New Testaments tell stories of women prophets, pastors, deacons, and apostles. Deborah (Judges 4:4-5) was a judge for both civil and criminal cases for the Israelites. She was the chief ruler over Israel for 40 years. She gave orders to the generals and all of the army. She also was not afraid to go to battle along side the high ranking officials.
Miriam was a prophet and worship leader (Exodus 15:20; Numbers 12:1; Micha 6:4). Huldah spoke publicly to a congregation of men concerning the book of the Law. Her message was taken to the nation and revival broke out (2 Kings 22:14).
The first evangelists were women who were told to go speak of the resurrection of Christ. Anna was a prophet and did not leave the temple (Luke 2:36-38). Phillip had 4 daughters that prophesied (Acts 21:9). Priscilla assisted Paul in his ministry and even taught Apollos in the way of the Lord more perfectly.
There are many more examples which I could give, but more important that you search the scriptures for yourself. Don't believe a word I say. Devour them and discover the truth for yourself. The truth will make you free.
I'll post later about some of the confusing verses of the Bible - the ones gender-prejudice gets its foothold. But study. Show yourself approved. Be a worker. Rightly divide the word of truth. Be released. Be a voice of one crying in the wilderness. Prepare ye the way of the Lord. Hear the sound... BE THE SOUND!
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